
2011年3月2日 星期三

搭郵輪穿越巴拿馬運河之十 --- 哥倫比亞 卡塔赫納Cartagena Columbia 4

政府宮 Government Palace


卡塔赫納大教堂Cartagena Cathedral

聖多明各教堂Santo Domingo church
這是卡塔赫納最古老的教堂,建於1551年,It was founded in 1551 and its construction, which started at the end of the XVIth century was very accidented.At first the convent was made out of hay and was located at the actual Plaza de los Coches, until a terrible fire consumed all the city and destroyed the convent, then moved to where it stands today.初建的位置在盧斯科切斯廣場,由於教堂的建築材料乾草,一場可怕的火災摧毀了教堂,然後才搬移到今天的位置。 現在這裡是一座Highlighted on its facade are the two bodies main entrance, the superior with less height containing an image of Santo Domingo on the center and two lateral windows, also the convex frie修道院、博物館和教堂。Inside is the baroque altar with an image of Christ carved in XIXth century wood and an image of the Virgin with a crown in gold and emeralds.巴洛克風格的祭壇裡面是用木材雕刻的基督像,以及處女王冠、黃金和綠寶石。

聖多明各廣場Santo Domingo Square
位於聖多明各教堂旁邊,小巧的廣場四周是咖啡店各餐廳,而哥倫比亞著名畫家費爾南多波特羅斜倚的女人 (Reclining Woman)的雕塑,為廣場增加了知名度。

哥倫比亞著名畫家費爾南多波特羅斜倚的女人 (Reclining Woman)的雕塑


