斯力高 Sligo
斯力高是千年歷史的文化古鎮,有著美麗的湖泊和森林、山脈和河流。這裡地傑人靈亦是大文學家、諾貝爾文學獎得主威廉.巴特勒.葉芝(William Butler Yeats)的故鄉。


斯力高修道院 Sligo Abbey
由莫里斯傑拉德 建於1252年。在13和14世紀以來遭受到戰亂的破壞,1414年毀於火災。其後在15世紀修復了東邊的窗口、祭壇及刻有玫瑰和葡萄的雕塑。部分重建了十字屏及橫貫教堂唱詩班的偏殿,耳堂。

聖鴒教堂 St.Columba's Church
位於斯力高郊外的德拉姆克利夫 Drumcliffe, 公元574年,St.Columba's 在這裡創建了一所修道院,後來年久荒廢了,1809年用這座殘破修道院的石塊修建了聖鴒教堂。1948年教堂內埋葬了愛爾蘭的著名詩人、大文學家,諾貝爾文學獎得主之一的威廉.巴特勒.葉芝。


Cast a cold Eye,
On Life, on Death,
Horseman, pass by。
騎士經過 。
這是威廉巴特勒葉芝 W.B. Yeats (1865-1939)的一首詩
Under bare Ben Bulben's head
In Drumcliff churchyard Yeats is laid.
An ancestor was rector there
Long years ago, a church stands near,
By the road an ancient cross.
No marble, no conventional phrase;
On limestone quarried near the spot
By his command these words are cut:
Cast a cold eye
On life, on death.
Horseman, pass by!
In Drumcliff churchyard Yeats is laid.
An ancestor was rector there
Long years ago, a church stands near,
By the road an ancient cross.
No marble, no conventional phrase;
On limestone quarried near the spot
By his command these words are cut:
Cast a cold eye
On life, on death.
Horseman, pass by!

愛爾蘭特有的高十字架 High Cross
建於11century, sculptured High Cross of Drumcliffe世紀的十字架是硬砂岩雕刻,高13英呎,12英吋厚,寬3英呎8英吋。十字架上的雕刻都是聖經上的故事。

圓塔 Round Tower

so cool photos~